Position angle scales for 1.25“ eyepieces
When viewing the heavens through the eyepiece of a telescope, one can get lost easily. Where the heck is southeast in the field of view? Does Jupiter rotate from
left to right or from right to left? Which way does the tail of that comet point? And where can the elusive companion of this double star be expected? These are
some of the questions that arise during many observing sessions, night after night. To solve this problem, we designed a position angle scale that can be printed on
cardboard and placed between any 1.25-inch eyepiece and focuser. Once oriented, it points out the celestial directions in the field of view, shows the position angle
and even tells the rotational directions of planets. There are two scales available, one for direct views (e.g. through Newtonians) and one for mirror-reversed views
(e.g. through refractors with star diagonals). The scales are available for download for non-commercial personal use.
PDF with position angle scales to cut out