Capturing Venus in bright daylight
With a DSLR, even with a small off-the-shelf digital camera, it is possible to capture Venus in the daylight sky. Here's how it works: First of all, on the day you shoot
Venus the sky should be highly transparent, deep blue in color and without any haze. Second, you must know exactly where to point your camera. A binocular will
help to determine the position of Venus in the sky. Venus itself should be high in the sky, a large elongation from the Sun won't hurt either. On your digital camera,
set white balance to daylight and exposure to auto. If you have a tripod, use it. When your camera has an optical zoom, zoom in fully. Make several shots and pick
the one best in focus. To enhance Venus on the image, some contrast improvements may be necessary. The camera used for the example below was an EOS 1100D
mod with a 135mm Zeiss Sonnar lens. The image was shot around noon on June 24th, 2016 on La Palma island, when Venus was near the waning crescent Moon.