In July 2022 we got a new camera for deep exposures. The first test run produced a quite satisfying result. An exposure series of NGC 6960 provided the data for a
nice image of the western part of the Veil Nebula.
We are planning to use the camera to capture lesser known and more obscure objects of the deep sky.
Here is the imaging data for the nerds: Apo 66/400, IDAS NB1, CEM-25EC, Berlebach Tripod, Staraid Rev B, ASI533-MCP, 10x16min, Unity Gain, 25 Darks, 25
Flats/Darkflats, Sensor -5 Degrees C, Air +23 Degrees C, SQM 20.9, Aug 3, 2022, location rural Austria, processing DSS and PS.
[Released october 3, 2022]